About me

Welcome to my website. I can't tell you how long it took me to wrap my head around building it, especially considering I much prefer spending time at the studio than in front of the computer. But I did it!

I started my pottery journey in September 2022, at the Maze Hill Pottery, following months of knocking at their door asking if they could spare a spot in their classes for me. Very quickly, sitting at the wheel became my 'me' time, that self-care I had put off for a long time. 

It so happened that 6 months later, due to being affected by mass layoffs in the tech industry, my partner and I decided to make a move to beautiful Scotland. Here, I dialled up my studio time, signing up for some short courses and an Open Access studio in Glasgow, where I quickly became a regular.

I then decided to take the plunge and invest on a wheel and I now mostly make pottery in my garage.

Despite having suspicions of ADHD, I am still going strong with pottery. That says how important this little hobby has become to me.

More recently, I have been experimenting creating my own glazes and I will soon be showcasing those.

To be clear, this website is more so to document my hobby than anything else (a blog section will come soon). The shop, at this moment, consists mostly of random items I felt like making when I woke up on the day, rather than carefully designed pieces, which is why you will not find production pottery here. The only items I have mindfully designed, so far, were commissioned pieces (photos to come).

Although I don't spend much time curating my Instagram, I am always reachable, so feel free to drop a line either on the contact form or via social media.
